Esacol ED 20W

Esacol ED 20W is a natural polysaccharide thickener designed for water-based paints. From a chemical point of view, the product is a polygalactomannan derivative with a homogenous molar substitution on the polymeric chain. These features provide a high biostability in aqueous solutions and waterborne paint.

Chemical-physical characteristics:

  • Chemical description: non-ionic etherified polysaccharide
  • Appearance: free-flowing ivory powder
  • Moisture: < 4%
  • Bulk density: 0.6 – 0.8 g/ml
  • Grading: 99.9% < 35 mesh
  • Solubility: complete in both hot and cold water
  • Brookfield RVT viscosity: 19000 – 21000 mPa*s (2% w/w water sol, 20’C, 20 rpm)
  • Incompatibility: tetravalent anions

Applications and dosages

Interior and exterior water-based paints:

0.3 – 0.6%


